NetBet live casino
- Click View/Request Reservations on the Biology Department NetBet sportresource calendars and log in with your JHED ID and password.
Note: In Internet Explorer, only Zoom 100% is supported. It can be set by Ctrl + 0, followed by Reload. - From the drop-down box at the bottom of the page, select a resource. See the resources listed below.
- Using the navigation controls at the top of the window (day/week/month), locate available date/time slots.
- Once a desirable date/time slot has been chosen, click Request a Reservation at the bottom of the page.
- Enter:
Event name (include netbet casino appcourse number and name, if applicable, or meeting title and requesting party)
Names of instructors (provide in Notes section)
From date and time
To date and time (to date should be the same as from date)
For a repeating event, specify the total number of recurring events, including the first one, and mark the “Request to last through the end of semester” option if applicable. - Click Submit.
- Wait for the confirmation. It may take one to two days to process the request.
Your reservation is not immediately confirmed NetBet sportupon request. You must receive a confirmation email from the calendar administrator accepting the reservation.
Seminar Rooms
- Mudd 23, capacity 35
- Mudd 26 (Auditorium), capacity 320
- Mudd 100, capacity 106
- Mudd 120 (Willier Study), capacity 20
- UTL G89, capacity 16
- UTL 189, capacity 16
- UTL 289, capacity 16
- LCD #1 and #2 (desktop LCD projectors with SVGA input)
- Mac #1 and #2 (Apple MacBook Pro)
- Tablet #1 and #2 (DELL Latitude XT2)
- PC (DELL Latitude D620)