Students earning either a BA in biology or BS netbet online sports bettingin cellular and molecular biology are eligible to receive their degree with honors. The following requirements are in addition to the regular requirements for the degrees.
- GPA of 3.5 or higher in N and Q courses. Use the Honor’s GPA Worksheet from Academic Advising to calculate your GPA in these courses and attach a transcript
- 6 credits of registered independent research (note that this is already a requirement for the BS degree)
- A letter of support from your research supervisor (the PI of the lab)
- Presentation of your independent research as a seminar or poster presentation
netbet casino appYou should apply for honors in the semester that you intend to graduate.
netbet casino appor October 25 for fall graduation. These deadlines are early so that we can inform the office of academic advising of who intends to receive honors.
The deadline for submission of the letter of support from your research supervisor is March 31 for spring graduation.
If your research presentation takes place after you have submitted your honors application, please email the required photo proof to Anthony Mberekpe ([email protected]) prior to April 19th.