These courses fulfill the advanced course requirements for the BA/BS degrees.

Note: Courses not listed NetBet sporthere, but contain the POS BIO-UL tag, are acceptable.

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  • 020.307 Enzymes, Metabolism, and Metabolic Disorders
  • 020.312/612 Introduction to the Human Brain
  • 020.317/614 Signaling in Development and Disease
  • 020.319 Human Genome Variation
  • 020.320 Cell Division Mechanisms and Regulation
  • 020.329 Microbiology: The Microbial World
  • 020.331/630 Human Genetics
  • 020.332 Photosynthesis by Land and Aquatic Organisms (Plant Biochemistry)
  • 020.334 Planets, Life and the Universe
  • 020.335 Landmarks in Biochemical Research
  • 020.336 Stem Cell Biology (in Development and Disease)
  • 020.337 Stem Cells & the Biology of Aging & Disease
  • 020.344 Virology
  • 020.346 Immunology
  • 020.347 AIDS
  • 020.355 Fundamentals of Genome Informatics
  • 020.360 Gene Regulation During Development and Disease
  • 020.361 Advanced Research Lab in Cell and Molecular Biology
  • 020.365 Introduction to the Human Skeleton
  • 020.367 Primate Adaptation and Evolution
  • 020.368 Mammalian Evolution
  • 020.370/670 Emerging Strategies and Applications in Biomedical Research
  • 020.374 Comparative Animal Physiology
  • 020.375 Human Anatomy
  • 020.379 Evolution
  • 020.380 Eukaryotic Molecular Biology
  • 020.385 Epigenetics
  • 410.638 Cancer Biology

Note: Other graduate level courses may apply. To petition of inclusion of a class, contact Emily Fisher ([email protected]).

Applied Mathematics and Statistics

  • netbet casino review550.310 Probability and Statistics for the Physical and Information Sciences
  • 550.311 Probability and Statistics for the Biological and Medical Sciences
  • 550.413 Applied Statistics and Data Analysis
  • 550.420 Introduction to Probability
  • 550.430 Introduction to Statistics
  • 550.435 Bioinformatics and Statistical Genetics

Behavioral Biology

  • 290.301 Stress and the Brain

Biomedical Engineering

  • 580.321 Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics
  • 580.421 Physiological Foundations for Biomedical Engineering I
  • 580.422 Physiological Foundations for Biomedical Engineering II
  • 580.425 Ionic Channels in Excitable Membranes
  • 580.427 Calcium Signals in Biological Systems
  • 580.440 Cell and Tissue Engineering
  • 580.441 Cellular Engineering
  • 580.442 Tissue Engineering
  • 580.474 Molecular and Cellular Imaging


  • 250.304 Mathematical Approaches to Biological Problems
  • 250.326 Biological Macromolecules: Structures and Function
  • 250.329 Statistics and Data Analysis for Biosciences
  • 250.332 X-ray Crystallography of Biological Molecules
  • 250.345 Cellular and Molecular Physiology
  • 250.351 Reproductive Physiology
  • 250.353 Computational Biology (Biomolecular Dynamics and Ensembles)
  • 250.372 Introduction to Biophysical Chemistry
  • 250.391 Proteins and Nucleic Acids
  • 250.401 Structural and Physical Virology
  • 250.411 Advanced Seminar in Structural Biology of Chromatin


  • 030.301 Physical Chemistry I
  • 030.302 Physical Chemistry II
  • 030.370 Physical Chemistry I with Biophysical Applications
  • 030.424 Molecular Synthetic Biology
  • netbet online sports betting030.425 Advanced Mechanistic Organic Chemistry I
  • 030.426 Advanced Mechanistic Organic Chemistry II
  • 030.441 Spectroscopic Methods of Organic Structure Determination
  • 030.451 Spectroscopy
  • 030.601 Statistical Mechanics
  • 030.619 Chemical Biology I
  • 030.620 Chemical Biology II
  • 030.623 Molecular Synthetic Biology
  • 030.634 Bioorganic Chemistry

Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

  • 540.402 Metabolic Systems Biotech
  • 540.604 Therapeutic & Diagnostic Colloids
  • 540.409 Dynamic Modeling and Control
  • 540.437 Applications of Molecular Evolution to Biotechnology
  • 540.459 Biotechnology in Regenerative Medicine
  • 540.460 Polymer Physics

Computer Science

  • 600.439 Computational Genomics

Earth and Planetary Sciences

  • 270.308 Population and Community Ecology
  • 270.312 Mammalian Evolution
  • 270.323 Ocean Biogeochemical Cycles
  • 270.325 Introduction to Oceanography

Geography and Environmental Engineering

  • 570.303 Environmental Engineering Principles & Applications
  • 570.328 Geography and Ecology of Plants
  • 570.395 Principles of Estuarine Environment: The Chesapeake Bay
  • 570.403 Ecology
  • 570.411 Environmental Microbiology
  • 570.443 Aquatic Biofluid Chemistry
  • 570.450 Organic Geochemistry

Materials Science and Engineering

  • 510.316 Biomaterials I


  • 080.304 Neuroscience: Learning & Memory
  • 080.305 Neuroscience: Cellular & Systems I
  • 080.306 Neuroscience: Cellular & Systems II
  • NetBet sport080.310 Synaptic Function and Plasticity
  • 080.322 Cellular and Molecular Biology of Sensation
  • 080.360 Diseases and Disorders of the Nervous System


  • 171.309 Wave Phenomena with Biophysical Applications
  • 171.310 Biological Physics

Psychological and Brain Sciences

  • 200.314 Advanced Statistical Methods
  • 200.329 Real World Human Data Analysis and Visualization
  • 200.344 Behavioral Endocrinology
  • 200.376 Neuropsychopharmacology
  • 200.391 Sex Differences in the Brain, Behavior and Cognition
  • 290.303 Animal Communication

Public Health

  • 280.335 The Environment and Your Health